Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

"You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when..."

... 'your grandchildren are home for Christmas and you have seven eggs in the Brinsea timed to hatch the day after so together you can marvel at the miracle of chicks pipping & zipping their way into the world.'
When is your delivery date?

Feb. 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
If I dont pick up delivery by 4:30PM then I will INDUCE on the 5th!!!!!!
When your husband says he built the existing coop to be expandable because he knows you will need a bigger coop. And asks when the new birds will be coming, even though you didn't tell him you just ordered 10 more.
When you are counting down the days until spring so you can get more chicks.

When you search through the fridge and pantry for treats to give to your chickens.

When you are eating a grapefruit, and even though you love it, you save some to give to your chickens.

When the tempature drops to 10 degrees and you put the 2 fluffiest chickens on either side of your molting hen so she stays nice and warm.

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