Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

When you see a picture of chickens and came name most the breeds in the picture (although not that long ago I didn't even realize there were different breeds of chickens..facepalm)
Haha :D

When there is all sorts of chicken paintings and chicken nick nacks in your room and them you are going to hang a GIANT poster of a chicken :)
~when you're sick, but you still go out in the freezing snow to see your chickens
~when practically everyone in your town knows you have chickens
~when you know more about chickens than the man that runs your local feed store
~when your dad says he learns something new every day about chickens through you. XD
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When you go up to the coop at night to feel their crops and make sure they aren't having night starvation, (one hen's was only half full!! I gotta spend more time with her. I feel like a bad chicken mama
when, instead of showing pics of grandkids on your cell phone (my kids uninclined at this stage in life), u have pics of your dogs watching your chicks eating scratch on your carpet in the salon...

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