Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

-when you make a mini waterer in art class instead of a mug, and write "(insert my name here) <3's Chickens" on it. - when you bring your two hens into the house during a dinner party to show them to your mom's friends. -when you are supposed to be doing a science lab, but instead end up doodling chickens on the corners of your paper. -when, instead of doing chores, you are tying to figure out to best way to put a light in your coop.
-when you make a mini chicken enclosure in your room so they can stay warm during the snow-storm.
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-when you make a mini waterer in art class instead of a mug, and write "(insert my name here) <3's Chickens" on it. - when you bring your two hens into the house during a dinner party to show them to your mom's friends. -when you are supposed to be doing a science lab, but instead end up doodling chickens on the corners of your paper. -when, instead of doing chores, you are tying to figure out to best way to put a light in your coop.
-when you make a mini chicken enclosure in your room so they can stay warm during the snow-storm.

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