Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

...... when the two youngest pullets (which should have been living in the coop with the rest of the flock by now) still come to the door to be let inside for the night. They're almost five month old, but it was too cold to put them out when the calendar said they should be ready. The flock is acclimated, those two girls would suffer too much of a shock to below freezing nights!

Besides, it's kind of comfy to watch TV with a sleeping BO and BR perched on the raised foot section of the recliner.
when u let people who call u hear the cheep cheep of the 22 babies that are still lving in your living room and spare bedroom
when u r in the bathroom and u hear a danger cheep and u automatically shout to your husband to check and see what the dogs are doing to the chickens
when u come to work in the morning and announce proudly that the chicken that u rescued is now eating on her own, completely and u managed to trim her bead with a fingernail clipper and do they want to see photos?

when u base the presents u are going to give for passover (here we give presents like at christmas for nonjews) on the fresh pretty eggs that have yet to be laid (cream, white, off white, egg shell white)
when you are okay with all the poop that you will get on you due to the fact that cleaning their feeders and waterers mean getting everything on you because they are some messy messy chickens!

when you would rather have chickens than dogs.
...When you get a catalog in the mail from Meyer hatchery, and as soon as you finish reading it, you cut out all of the pictures of the chickens and hang them on your wall.
...When you train your rooster to follow the light from the flashlight to the correct spot on the roosts every night. (All of my chickens have to sleep in a certain spot, or they pick on each other)
when u borrow a blowdryer from the hotel and explain to your boss that it is for drying a chicken after its bath..
When you realize that that your friends see you as 'slightly' obsessed to the point that all they ever ask you about is your chickens and you are always more than happy to answer them!
the dust bunnies are mostly chick dander.....

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