Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

Some wonderfully funny posts .. thank you for the laughs
* When your hubby laughs at your for starting a sentence with "I was in chookie-chat"
* On Friday nights there are 3 very large hamburgers sizzling away on the BBQ and one small one .. bantam breakfast
* When the dinner menu is planned around whether the chookies would like the leftovers for breakfast
When you see sign of a raccoon an think bad thoughts....
When you are trying to explane to your friends what BYC is...
When your favorite rooster died an you thought of getting an animal mount like a deer!
When you have one on one conversations with your chickens
When you seriously think about giving your rooster "the talk"
As you go I to the back yard all you see is stuff for chickens!
When all your chickens look the SAME an you are the only ones who knows there names.
When you walk towards the coop trying to make chickens sounds attempting to fully communicate with them...
When you agree with EVERY post in this thread!
When you have never gone to the feed store an not brought home at least 2 chicks!!!!
When you have so many chickens you consider getting turkeys for a change!
You spend more time watching the chickens in a week then you do TV!!!!!!!
....when your out and you see its getting dark and start to worry if you'll be home in time to pen them up..hahahahahah....."sorry dudes I gotta cut this beer short to lock up my hens" THE LIESSS that I tell to cover up my craziness lol lol

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