Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

... when you haven't got your first chicks home and you are already dreaming of what new breeds you want next.
... when you find yourself in all your off hours looking online for cheep
additional housing and fencing to keep your darlings safe, sound and happy; and increase the flock.

... when you find yourself using bad puns like 'cheep' instead of 'cheap'.

.. when you are disappointed at the lack of chicken 'enrichment-activities' merchandise; and make your own.

.. when people run when they see you coming because they know the conversation will steer to my chickens every time.

... when you have no problem with any of the above.
When you look at houses and reject them because the garden isnt big enough for your chickens. When you look at the weeds in the front flower garden and think I will go get a chicken to eat these (they like it btw). When the people you work with say oh you and your chickens. When your sister tells you that her friends think you are the mad chicken women. Mind you the friend that said that turned round and said at least I don't own cats, at which point my sister pointed out that I have 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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