Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

You cease doing chores because the chickens need to be tended to.

You give up all those useless,time wasting hobbies you had all your life. (hunting ,fishing,golf)

You think all those "OTHER" addictions are problems of a weak mind.

You remember your chickens names better than your childrens.

Before you go to sleep/when you first wake in the morn you talk to your DH/DW/SO about the chickens events and activities and not your children.

You only work to support your habit. Who me??

You think that KFC is a terrorist group with lots of recruiting offices.

You run into somebody you havent seen in 30 years, tell them your married with 3 kids but explain in detail all of the chickens names, breed, age and how many eggs they lay a year.

You fall way behind in current events because your out tending to the chickens and then come in and check the BYC forum as to who got new chicks,weird eggs, ect............

Failure to admit you have a problem after your driving home with 6 new chicks and thinking about which type you are going to get next time.

There is always money for chicken feed but not always for people food.

I am so glad that dont I exhibit any of these symptoms anywhere on this forum.
your dad gets home from work, and instead of asking how your day was, he lets out a long sigh, reluctantly sits done by you, and asks sharply how the chickens day was.

your own mom starts to want more chickens before you do, to your dads distaste.

Mom “So Kate are you thinking of getting more hens soon?”
Me “Um not really why?”
Mom “Oh no reason, I just think you should get more next time you do… like a hundred more.”
Dad “That’s nice honey… wait… WHAT?!”
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OMG.. i have that one.. but done with a cluck instead of music. cluck cla cluucka cluck cluk cluk.... (chicken dance)

You drool when you see a chix that you do not have

You randomly check hatchery availability even though you know you won't be able to get any, well unless your income tax returns comes a little early next year. oh wait, what if I just pilfer a little $ from each paycheck and SAY that it's my return????? um... * stratches head, and turns red* I didnt mean ME... I meant you pilfer...

You wear chicken shirts, socks, have even found ROOSTER underware... (lololol....)

You look up different chicken breeds on google

You search for and watch chickens on Youtube

You spend at least 4 hours on BYC every day when you should be working...

You turn your computer monitor away from your door so that no one knows the above mentioned statement.....

You have dreams about your girls and Bird... oh crud, i mean your roo...

You go to animal shelters 300 miles away from you to adopt to abandoned 'city chicks' that you have never even seen and then name them Elly and May, CRAP! i mean name them something cute.

You cancel your vacation because you don't have a 'chicken sitter'.

Your coop IS cleaner than you house. (minus the fridge, it has to hold the next days meal for the girls and how dare it get smelly! Not that I would know)

You spend you Friday nights watching chicken TV instead of socializing at the bar, restaurant, etc. (heck, why not try to invite them over for the chicken draft?)

Now keep in mind, this is NOT me.... nope, not at all. nooooo way!
: plbb
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When your fall building list is at 8+ new pens, you are adding new breeds and want to build breeding tractors for them, you plan to add meat birds, and you have chickens and ducks in the house, in the brooder, in the bator and in various grow out pens according to age.

I'm not addicted nope.

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