Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..." come back from vacation and ask the sitter how the chickens are before you ask how the kids are can rationalize the thought of the neighborhood crazy cat lady can understand your different chickens' "speak" walk around outside each day, no matter the weather, surrounded by your girls, and say, "I love chickens!"
You know you're addicted to chickens when you drop something in the grass and you take off your flipflops and start "scratching" the grass with your toes looking for what you dropped.
When you never go anywhere any more because you just know no one can take care of you flock like you can.
Whilst putting some thing together, you drop something in the yard, like a washer or a nut, and you pick it up as fast as you can before a chicken sees it. Conversely, if a nearby, "helpful" chicken has already snatched up the fallen object, you move very slowly and with misdirection to attempt to retrieve it, so she doesn't think you're after her new "goodie" and swallow it.

You have many projects missing a nut or washer, here and there.

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