Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

ya! but she scared me, i was scared she was gone!
I know exactly how you feel. One night we had a tornado and my cat, who had never been outside before, got scared and ran out the front door (I forget exactly why we had the door open)

I searched for hours. It was raining and thundering and lightning. I never found her. I went to bed bawling like a baby cause I just knew she was never going to come back.

The next morning I woke up as the sun was coming up and the first thing I did was open the door and call for her. There she was, pretty as you please! She ran into the house faster than a blink of an eye! I was so relieved. She was completely dry, I have no idea where she stayed.
Me too. I have 2 cats that went missing when I moved 3 years ago. I still miss them dearly. I try not to think about them or I cry.

You know you're addicted to chickens when you are already planning when to take your next vacation from work JUST to be with your chickens!!!
I find myself checking their butts for crusty pasty butt. Washing their rear ends. My husband says he would NEVER do that. Well.....I love my two chickens so much I don't want something to happen and they die. I hold them and walk around the yard talking to them. I have two cochins Mama and Baby. I love them. LOL.


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