Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

when you have baby chicks in your bedroom
when you refer to chicks as "your babies"
when a friend comes over and you ask if they want to play with the girls
You know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens when...

... You start referring to your mother as 'grandma' around your chooks.

... You find one girl huddled in a forlorn, cold, wet, and muddy heap in the morning because it's the bottom of the pecking order and was thrown out of the coop last night, and so you take it inside, wrap it in warm towels, and place it under the spare heat lamp (the non-spare one is keeping 7 chicks warm).

... Your mother starts referring to herself as 'grandma' around your chooks.

... Your sister's actually beginning to come around and say that maybe little chicks aren't quite so scary after all.

... You wander around the back yard for almost an hour, shining a torch into every tree to see if you can find the one chook who didn't go to bed.

... Whilst wandering, you come across your sister making multiple trips from one side of the property to the other with full-grown ducks in her arms, because she took them to the other pond as a treat for the afternoon, and they don't have a bedroom over there.

... Your mother offers you a treat for going for a blood test without kicking up a fuss, and you choose to go to the local grain and fodder and buy some more chickens.

... You see a chicken on a television show and you say, "Ooh, that's a light Sussex!"

... Your sister watched the same television show a little later and pauses the screen to come and ask you what breed the chicken is.

... Your mother's even beginning to learn the difference between the light Sussex girls and the Anconas.

... Your sister suggests naming an Australorp chick 'Vegemite', and you say you can't because you already have a white Leghorn with that name.

... You have a list of breeds you want, and before dragging your family to yet another poultry sale, you give them a list, pictures, and a description of each breed.

... You name an Australorp 'Marmite', and you're worried that your white Leghorn called 'Vegemite' will be offended.

... You spend all morning thinking of reasons you know you're addicted to raising backyard chickens, just so you can share them with people on the forum.
When you see a bug in the house and say, "Quick! Get a chicken!"

You have the "Instant notification" option activated on 5 different forum subscriptions............ Sent to your smartphone!
When a co worker asked " why is your phone blowing up all the time?" UUUHHHHHHHH.............. Its business related!
You know you're addicted to chickens when..........You read all the posts on this thread and nod your head for most of the replies.

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