Finish this sentence: "You know you're addicted to chickens when..."

"You know you're addicted to chickens when...

your Daughter imitates you scolding the chickens for not taking turns on her lap! "
You're not afraid to clean poop with your bare hands
Or bare feet... Not that I ever do that or anything...

lol and here I thought I was the only one! NOTE feet as I am teaching them to jump!
lol! *phew* I'm glad I'm not alone. I've been called "Hobbit Feet" on more than one occasion. I've hated shoes since I was born. My mom told me when I was a tiny baby I used to cry when she would put shoes on me and kick them off. Doesn't surprise me. I saddle horses barefoot, clean the coop, weed the garden, take walks, all barefoot.
Haven't had a disease or a broken toe yet! =P
lol! *phew* I'm glad I'm not alone. I've been called "Hobbit Feet" on more than one occasion. I've hated shoes since I was born. My mom told me when I was a tiny baby I used to cry when she would put shoes on me and kick them off. Doesn't surprise me. I saddle horses barefoot, clean the coop, weed the garden, take walks, all barefoot.
Haven't had a disease or a broken toe yet! =P
ditto that! I usually try to have flip flops on but my kids are forever wearing my big flops instead of there own, and if they come without any outside I hand them over to um anyway!!
ditto that! I usually try to have flip flops on but my kids are forever wearing my big flops instead of there own, and if they come without any outside I hand them over to um anyway!!
We might be one in the same person. @_@ Except it's my little sisters and brother that steal my flip flops. I guess they figure I don't wear them enough that it matters, anyway! I've just learned to wash my feet often. Usually.
We might be one in the same person. @_@ Except it's my little sisters and brother that steal my flip flops. I guess they figure I don't wear them enough that it matters, anyway! I've just learned to wash my feet often. Usually.
LOL I have a special bath mat in my tub!
You stand outside for hours in the rain...
Just. Watching. Them.
Uhhh..... maybe not POURING rain, but a little drizzle never hurt nobody.
Wait, I've got a few more......

3: When you narrarate for your chickens

5: You do this:
When you see someone's free-range flock walking around their yard, while out driving.
And, related to #5, you then slow down every time you pass those particular yards, just to see the chickens out like yours!

Related to #3, I tell everybody, "Yes, I do speak for my chickens." And ducks, and turkeys.... and geese. I thought it was natural to narrate what they're obviously not able to say in English. "Oh, what's in here? Can I eat it?" and "Hey! This door is closed AGAIN!! You're supposed to let me IN when I peck at the glass!"

Ummm... plus you also leave the lid off the brooder when you're in the same room, so you can celebrate it when a chick not only jumps and perches on the edge of the bin, but jumps BACK IN after exploring the rest of the room.

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