Finished duck coop 'Ducqarium'

That coop is just too cool! I love the details and that you modeled it after real buildings in the Netherlands. My wife would love it since she is a DeGroot, I'll have to show her this awe inspiring build.

You should! I am not really a Nationalist. It is not in the Dutch culture to be proud. 'being humble is silly enough' is what I am thought. Being plain is the best. I think some American people can recognize that in the Amish that came to America as Dutch and German people and have the 'humble'-gene.
But I do not agree with that ideology because I am a bit proud because it is very interesting how houses all over the world are being build. I love the tiny cultural diffenreces how a house is build in the Netherlands, Romania, China, Japan, etc. The colours of the folding blinds are actually really specific per tiny village you live in, in the Netherlands. Like the tiles on Romanian houses are really specific per village too.
If you have a connection with an other culture, like your wife De groot ( The tall/big/powerfull/mighty) you should totally explore :)
In every culture there are beautifull things to explore. The shed we are building is actually going to be an airBnB. We need people to test it so maybe one day just come to explore the Netherlands :)
My ducks are curious yes. . they have to noodle and investigate everything new once they get over their initial fear of the new scary thing and decide it won't eat them :lol:
But I don't see them climbing up on stuff too often. But maybe just because I don't have a lot of things around they could climb :confused:
I do have one duck that likes to jump up on the roof of their little barn house now and then. But it's only about 2 foot from the ground.
When I tried using a bigger pool and made steps to get up into it they rarely used it and a lot of times instead of taking the steps down they would just flop out *thud*
Then walk away limping :rolleyes:
My Call ducks are almost as bad about falling off of things. . and they can fly! :barniewhat the what.
When the water level gets a little low I will see them flopping around like they can't get out when all they have to do is use their wings and fly right out.
I do have one call drake that has started flying around the run and landing square in the middle of the rest while they are trying to take a nice nap :p
He is quite the trouble maker

You have a really nice way of typing. I love how you describe things; it is so reconizable. Not really an answer om my question but really nice to hear that my ducks are not the only ducks that are a bit of doofuses? And you also are a bit with relaxed with it (rolf smiley I don't know how to insert)
You have a really nice way of typing. I love how you describe things; it is so reconizable. Not really an answer om my question but really nice to hear that my ducks are not the only ducks that are a bit of doofuses? And you also are a bit with relaxed with it (rolf smiley I don't know how to insert)
Lol! Maybe I am the doofus and your question totally went over my head :lau
I tend to just type the way I talk. I'm from Missouri. Little bit southern. Little bit simple :lol:
Oh but the answer; it sounds that there may be indeed a difference. Allthough they are all doofuses. I can't relate to 'not-climbing-things'. Even when I have nothing to climb, they will find something. They don't sit on a couch, or the floor nearby the couch, no they have to be on the top of the couch being all king and satisfationed like a cat. No low things for them, they deserve a pedestral. (they do not live in the house but they activaly want to and think they have the right to). Sitting on a lap? Yeah awesome. What is more awesome? Sitting on the shoulder of the tallest person around, uninvited, to show your domination more.
Oh but the answer; it sounds that there may be indeed a difference. Allthough they are all doofuses. I can't relate to 'not-climbing-things'. Even when I have nothing to climb, they will find something. They don't sit on a couch, or the floor nearby the couch, no they have to be on the top of the couch being all king and satisfationed like a cat. No low things for them, they deserve a pedestral. (they do not live in the house but they activaly want to and think they have the right to). Sitting on a lap? Yeah awesome. What is more awesome? Sitting on the shoulder of the tallest person around, uninvited, to show your domination more.
I have a fenced back yard where my Cayuga ducks roam under supervision though cause they can easily get out or something could easily get in. . I would be in trouble if they climbed too much.
They are really great about staying in the yard surprisingly. Once in a while one of them will accidentally find themselves on the other side of the fence and then act like they can't get back in and they all start quacking the alarm:gig
Lol! Maybe I am the doofus and your question totally went over my head :lau
I tend to just type the way I talk. I'm from Missouri. Little bit southern. Little bit simple :lol:

hahaha. That is not what I meant. I didn't mean YOU are a doofus. But our and your ducks (sssst, don't tell tem).
I am not from the USA. Except the all-day non-stop news about Trump which makes me feel I know a lot about the USA, I actually don't. But you are saying that missouri people are simple? :p I will remember that. After I acutally learn where missouri is... I know all the 50 states but sometimes not exactly where it is on the map :hmm

If Missouri people are so simple as you make them seem I think I am the right amount of simple too. :love
hahaha. That is not what I meant. I didn't mean YOU are a doofus. But our and your ducks (sssst, don't tell tem).
I am not from the USA. Except the all-day non-stop news about Trump which makes me feel I know a lot about the USA, I actually don't. But you are saying that missouri people are simple? :p I will remember that. After I acutally learn where missouri is... I know all the 50 states but sometimes not exactly where it is on the map :hmm

If Missouri people are so simple as you make them seem I think I am the right amount of simple too. :love
I know you didn't say that. . I said it about myself. :lol:
I like to think we are pretty simple here in the heartland of America. . but what do I know :confused:
Seems People all over the world are forced to hear all the trump trash talk like it or not. :barnie
It's all so stupid. It makes us all look ridiculous with all the constant bickering over every little thing.
But best not to get into all of that ;)
You can't believe anything you hear anymore no matter which side of the parties you listen to.
An update; It is still loved. Jay!

Since it is next to our bed they adapted sort-of to our sleeping habbits. When my partner sleeps through his alarm we now have a second alarm that comes to tell us we need to wake up! If we stay up late they also come in to sleep and quack at us that it is sleeping time. They feel like we are a group.
They tend to come in around human-sleeping time, and sleep. After every 1-2 hours they go out to drink and snack a bit and come back to sleep directly after. In the day time they are not in the coop, unless they are attacked by a pretedor! They come to the coop to tell us. And my really strong hero partner will chase this evil-doer (tiny cute neighbourhood cat) away! And then around 5 in the morning they lay eggs. THE HORROR.

I always thought chickens and ducks just pooped them out like that 'poop! an egg'. I never saw the actual egglaying. It is like a 30-50 minute birth :O Or atleast a really heavy flow. On whatever scale it is; they are in pain.
I feel so ashamed now for all the eggs that I have thrown away and not eaten because I let them go rotten!

More eggs in my diet, and still a jay for the duqarium. It really brings you closer to your feathery friends.
An update; It is still loved. Jay!

Since it is next to our bed they adapted sort-of to our sleeping habbits. When my partner sleeps through his alarm we now have a second alarm that comes to tell us we need to wake up! If we stay up late they also come in to sleep and quack at us that it is sleeping time. They feel like we are a group.
They tend to come in around human-sleeping time, and sleep. After every 1-2 hours they go out to drink and snack a bit and come back to sleep directly after. In the day time they are not in the coop, unless they are attacked by a pretedor! They come to the coop to tell us. And my really strong hero partner will chase this evil-doer (tiny cute neighbourhood cat) away! And then around 5 in the morning they lay eggs. THE HORROR.

I always thought chickens and ducks just pooped them out like that 'poop! an egg'. I never saw the actual egglaying. It is like a 30-50 minute birth :O Or atleast a really heavy flow. On whatever scale it is; they are in pain.
I feel so ashamed now for all the eggs that I have thrown away and not eaten because I let them go rotten!

More eggs in my diet, and still a jay for the duqarium. It really brings you closer to your feathery friends.
That is so cool that you get to observe their behavior like that!

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