Finishing Questions


10 Years
Oct 21, 2009
Hannibal, MO
I picked up eight pullets in the spring and expected to have a roo or two, or maybe some not make it, well....... That didn't happen. They are all healthy, female and do have the minimum space required but are acting like they are a little crowded. I get a bit of picking recently and just had to separate out another BO due to a bloody head.

I think it's time to thin them out to about five or six.

They are thirty one weeks right now and are currently on layer pellets. I picked up a bag of 21% finisher. Here's my questions, how long should I feed them out on the finisher? Should I give them some calcium to supplement so that when they lay while finishing them they don't have some nasty shell-less egg problems?
Finisher is kind of more of what they use on meat breeds to "finish them" after feeding starter. Meat birds are usually 8 weeks old or so when you eat them. Your girls are a bit old for a soft meal as a commercial meat bird style meal, but they will be very flavorful. You can butcher at any time, no finisher needed.
I am going to eat them.

I have eight layers right now (six are laying) but would like to only have five or six. I want them to be comfortable in the coop and the minimum square footage of four per bird just doesn't seem to be enough for them.
My coop is 8x4 and the WRs and BOs just seem huge in the little space. I really thought that I would end up with a roo or two (which I would also have eaten), or maybe one or two would not make it.

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