

Apr 29, 2022
We personally don't do fireworks except to the little poppers you throw at the ground. However, our neighbors do a lot of the BIG loud ones that shoot in the sky. I've never had ducks before an don't know what to expect. They were moved in their outside pen over a month ago so they stay in the coop now. Our chicks are still to young so they are in the big brooder pen in our garage so I know they will be fine. Our ducks run from people (can't blame them, I do to😅) they don't appear to spook easy 🤷. The moment hear fireworks they will be put in the coop to keep them from spooking badly and managing to get out. We are still making adjustments to the pen as needed. Anyways back to the point, what are some tips and or advice to prepare for fireworks?


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I wish I could offer some good suggestions, and I'm sure someone will.

When I lived in town, I hated fireworks because they terrified my dogs. Now, I am at least 3 miles away from the closest "celebrations" and can appreciate seeing some from a much quieter distance.

Honestly, my runner ducks don't seem particularly distressed by loud noises -- although, like yours, they would prefer to keep their distance from people, especially people who aren't bringing them food.

There's plenty of noise from a nearby railroad and a good number of really loud farm equipment and motorcycles that pass by on the road, but the ducks don't seem to care.

Best wishes for getting everyone through the Fourth with as little trauma as possible!

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