First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Gobble gobble turkey hatchers!
SCG has graciously set up a chart for us to enter our eggs set. I thought it would be fun to at least have an idea of how many turkey eggs we have all set. Please post your number set here:

The filled out form can be found here:

We are going to work on a few contests (just one a week starting next week) and would love some suggestions. If you have a great idea and are willing to run the contest let us know.

If anyone knows how to do the URL links the "fancy" way, this technically challenged (and frustrated person from trying to find the answer) would love to know how.

I've been wondering how this is accomplished too.
1.) Ctrl+C the hyperlink. (http:***)
2.) Type in the words you want to show.
3.) Right click and highlight them.
4.) Click the Link button , It's the chain under the globe on the panel on top. A small window will pop up.
5.) Ctrl+P in the URL box.
6.) Click OK

You're done!
Good morning Arielle! I set 12 eggs. I have a Bourbon Red over a Bourbon Red, a Royal Palm and a Black Spanish.

Have you filled out the form dsquard made? You can also look at the other one to see what everyone else who filled out the form has set.
Now I'm getting nervous. What if more than half of my eggs hatch? I'll be over run with turkeys! I also have 3 broody ducks, 1 started sitting a week ago, and 1 sunday and 1 yesterday.
Now I'm getting nervous. What if more than half of my eggs hatch? I'll be over run with turkeys! I also have 3 broody ducks, 1 started sitting a week ago, and 1 sunday and 1 yesterday.

You eat them . . . or sell them!! I have 4 toms , are they toms at less than a year?, any ways, my grain man always complains "SHouldn't they be dinner yet?" Guess he doesn't appreciate the welcoming committee!
Will be setting my eggs tonight, but just completed the form.

Question: What day is lockdown on? Just found out it is Day 25!

I have a staggered hatch going on and just realized that I'm going to be out of town when the next eggs need to go on will need to check my calendar for the turkey eggs!
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Good morning Arielle! I set 12 eggs. I have a Bourbon Red over a Bourbon Red, a Royal Palm and a Black Spanish.

Have you filled out the form dsquard made? You can also look at the other one to see what everyone else who filled out the form has set.

Thanks for the reminder--I think I was hoping my girls would speed up their production so I could set a few more. I'll add the eggs in a week-10days for staggered hatches and check for fertility then.

I received 6 eggs. One bumped against another and mashed the large end of the egg.
I really want to have some unrelated stock. At best I will have only 1 BR hatch. I've tried the taping method and while the marans chick developed it did not internally pip. I'll set this one and pull the tape in the days before lockdown in hopes for a better result. I do wonder if the tape did not allow enough air through when the chick needed it the most. And with the tape the air cell was enlargening ( is that a word?!) faster than the other eggs. I'm putting 5 in the count and these are shipped eggs.
Two poults is my hatching estimate!

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