First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Renee those eggs with an A are still mixed just from the Auburn hen I have 2 no tom Pretty Boy is the boyfriend and I have 2 MW who insist on visiting the Palm Tom he is a handsome chunk a little bigger than the MW's if you get a blue Palm that might be the wild turkey girl is still hanging out at my house walks into a spare pen (gasp I have a spare pen!) and waits like I should feed her too.....What happened to greyeys? I haven't heard back from her on the eggs and I was wanting to get them sent out I don't know what kind of weather that we're sending east but I am sick of the wind and we had frost I didn't look at my beans coming up and I think they are toast I saved the corn, cukes and tomatoes though I'll just replant beans I'm the only one who likes those anyways...
I didn't look at my beans coming up and I think they are toast I saved the corn, cukes and tomatoes though I'll just replant beans I'm the only one who likes those anyways...
Can't even think about planting till June 1st up here. I have everything started and under grow lights in my bedroom though. I didn't get any beans in my garden last year I just could not get them to grow!
Can't even think about planting till June 1st up here. I have everything started and under grow lights in my bedroom though. I didn't get any beans in my garden last year I just could not get them to grow!

We'll have at least a couple days close to 100 later this month it shows 87 one day in the 15 day forecast.....I'm only 35 miles from the coast in central California we do get frost sometimes late in April but we get hot too
I put in corn, peas, beans and asparagus crowns, with onions, strawberries and some squash. I don't have room for a 3 sisters garden this year, or I'd do that.

I added 2 blueberry bushes and a raspberry bush, along with a cherry tree. Won't get much from those this year, but it's all for the future!
I think everyone here is setting turkey eggs this weekend...good luck with your hatches.

My 1st turkey hatch is getting close to being finished .. I had an early hatch.
My 1st pip was on day 24 Wed, and I had 4 more pips on day 25...all before I moved the 15 eggs to the hovabator hatcher.
This morning I awoke to a hatcher filled with midget white turkey poults, I can only make out about 3 eggs that
haven't hatched yet, but I'm already 2 days early, so am not rushing the last few eggs.
It's a mess inside the hatcher, and the windows are fogged up, so I can't make out alot in there, but there are plenty of
poults looking up at me thru the hovabator windows. Will wait another day before I attempt to move any of the poults
to the brooder.

I put in corn, peas, beans and asparagus crowns, with onions, strawberries and some squash. I don't have room for a 3 sisters garden this year, or I'd do that.

I added 2 blueberry bushes and a raspberry bush, along with a cherry tree. Won't get much from those this year, but it's all for the future!

I am tossing around planting a 3 sisters garden this year. My DH got me a 24x20 greenhouse this year so that will free up quite a bit of my garden plot to try it.
I planted a 30 foot row of raspberry bushes last fall that the deer got too so I don't know if they survived the winter. I am crossing my fingers hoping the roots will send me up a few new shoots
I am thinking they really didn't have enough time to get settled in though before the deer ate all of the green off of them and then the frost came. Planning on a few blueberry bushes too. Just have to figure out where I am going to put them and find a way to fence them in from deer, and my soon to be here goats (middle of May
We'll have at least a couple days close to 100 later this month it shows 87 one day in the 15 day forecast.....I'm only 35 miles from the coast in central California we do get frost sometimes late in April but we get hot too

That would be a huge temperature swing! We got 11 inches of snow at my house today and it is a wet heavy snow. The town 20 miles over got 30 inches of snow I am told! It isn't too cold out probably 35* but it is supposed to be around 60* on Sunday.
My kids get to do their yearly tradition of running through the sprinkler or jumping into the lake on Easter.
I am tossing around planting a 3 sisters garden this year. My DH got me a 24x20 greenhouse this year so that will free up quite a bit of my garden plot to try it.
I planted a 30 foot row of raspberry bushes last fall that the deer got too so I don't know if they survived the winter. I am crossing my fingers hoping the roots will send me up a few new shoots
I am thinking they really didn't have enough time to get settled in though before the deer ate all of the green off of them and then the frost came. Planning on a few blueberry bushes too. Just have to figure out where I am going to put them and find a way to fence them in from deer, and my soon to be here goats (middle of May
An old timer told me of a way to keep the deer away from plants and that is to put a bar of Ivory soap in a pair of ladies stockings and hang it near the plants. The deer apparently don't like the smell and will steer clear of it.
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An old timer told me of a way to keep the deer away from plants and that is to put a bar of Ivory soap in a pair of ladies stockings and hang it near the plants. The deer apparently don't like the smell and will steer clear of it.

Might be worth a try.

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