First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Well, the araucana & silkie/showgirl eggs were ordered many weeks ago, just scheduled to be sent when I was finished with the Easter hatch. The serama & paint showgirls, okay, those were an impulse buy............

I have to go apply heat to the first set of eggs before I head to bed. Today's eggs need to sit until tomorrow.

Yeah, those turkeys have been cooking since Sunday....................hmmm, when do you think I should candle


I'm setting paint silkies with mine. :)

Looks like each turkey is going to have it's own personal tutor,
with substitutes to give the regular tutors a break!!


Well, I just had to give candling a try tonight. I just checked a couple eggs, but I saw action in most of them I checked. All of the Wishard Bronze I candled had veins (I checked 3). I checked 1 Black -winged Bronze and saw veins, and 1 Bourbon Redand saw nothing. I just took a quick iPhone pic but I might get out my nice camera, as these were way easier to check than chicken eggs.

What are you trying to do to me?

Have we gotten a final tally on the number of chicks hatched fro the Easter yet? My curiosity is killing me! Anyone know?

Yes, we do have a number but it's not public yet. It will be very, very soon. Unfortunately many people did not play "by the rules" and posted their answers late. So while the number for the contest for the Brinsea must follow the rules the actual number hatched is a bit different. And people are still reporting in so even if we posted a number it would be different in a few hours.

I'm a stickler for numbers, so late is more accurate than "by the rules" We had trouble getting everyone to post original set numbers too so maybe the same protocol can be followed--harass the late posters into giving up their numbers!

Perhaps thread organizers can PM each person who is missing data--look at the original set list, put it in alfabetical order, take the hatch list put it in alfabetacal order and compare for missing info. Can you tell I lived in numbers in my previous life??????
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I think part of the problem with reporting the numbers by Wednesday night was that some people are still hatching. I know you have to have a cut off but if they do this again, they may want to consider having the cut off date a week after the hatch day. I think kvmommy had one hatch last night or this morning. Just my opinion.

I'm a stickler for numbers, so late is more accurate than "by the rules" We had trouble getting everyone to post original set numbers too so maybe the same protocol can be followed--harass the late posters into giving up their numbers!

Perhaps thread organizers can PM each person who is missing data--look at the original set list, put it in alfabetical order, take the hatch list put it in alfabetacal order and compare for missing info. Can you tell I lived in numbers in my previous life??????

I see problems here too, at least with a group as large as the Easter hatch was. You had people intending to set that didn't, you had people joining at the last minute and you had people who set but never recorded their set numbers. With over 200 people (I think that is right, dang CRS) as part of the hatch and some counted for that total set and some didn't (set early or late) it is hard to keep track. I can only imagine the headaches that Kathyinmo, SCG and Mahonri went through to get people to respond. I also try to keep in mind that all of the people running the hatch had "real lives" and very real jobs. Part of my real job is trying to track down flight information from people that flew in other parts of the country. I only have to track down, say about 15 people, each month because the rest of the people are here. Just doing that small amount of people is a headache in itself. If I had to track down 50 people's numbers I would be "guano loco" as Mahonri likes to say. Arielle, please do not think I am picking on you, I just wanted to point out that three people trying to make 200 people follow the rules from the internet is very hard.

I set 7... but I'm not officially IN the hatch with the rest of ya.. so I didn't bother to fill out the forms

Why wouldn't you be "IN" the hatch? "Official" is a very loose term for this hatch. If you set and you are hanging, I consider you in, unless you don't want to be?
I have a question. I'm using an LG w/fan. I have a digital and a meat thermometer, and they are both registering about the same. I am not using the turner, so I'm propping one side up and then the other to turn, as I have them set in egg cartons. When the side is down, the top of the egg is only registering 98. When it is up, the top of the egg is registering 101. (It was 100 when flat) Should I raise the temp to 102 when it is up, so that hopefully it will be 99 when down? And have I already doomed my poor eggs???

Also, I think someone should just add Yinepu, since they are hatching anyway.

Also, as far as the "hatched" number goes, it would be to my benefit if they that the number submitted by the deadline, as I never in a bazillion years would have dreamed the 10,000+ started, so obviously my number is significantly lower. But I can understand wanting to use the "total" hatched. I'm glad I'm not the ones making the decision!
Also, as far as the "hatched" number goes, it would be to my benefit if they that the number submitted by the deadline, as I never in a bazillion years would have dreamed the 10,000+ started, so obviously my number is significantly lower. But I can understand wanting to use the "total" hatched. I'm glad I'm not the ones making the decision!

While I do see your point we have rules to stop chaos. We all agreed on the rules in the beginning of the hatch and there were no dissenters at that time. If we "break" the rules to include a few late hatchers, unfortunately, that opens up people being unhappy. Who's then to judge when we stop counting late additions? It's easier to stick by the rules even though there will always be "what ifs." We all I think had a fun hatch and that's what it's really about. We may extend the deadline next year a day or so, but we may not, also.
I have a question. I'm using an LG w/fan. I have a digital and a meat thermometer, and they are both registering about the same. I am not using the turner, so I'm propping one side up and then the other to turn, as I have them set in egg cartons. When the side is down, the top of the egg is only registering 98. When it is up, the top of the egg is registering 101. (It was 100 when flat) Should I raise the temp to 102 when it is up, so that hopefully it will be 99 when down? And have I already doomed my poor eggs???

I would, I don't think it will hurt at all and I think the lower temps so far will be fine. It's the high spikes that are deadly......but don't listen to me, I won the worst hatch award in the Easter hatch!

Also, I think someone should just add Yinepu, since they are hatching anyway.

x 2

Also, as far as the "hatched" number goes, it would be to my benefit if they that the number submitted by the deadline, as I never in a bazillion years would have dreamed the 10,000+ started, so obviously my number is significantly lower. But I can understand wanting to use the "total" hatched. I'm glad I'm not the ones making the decision!

You know, that kinda' worked itself out. Lots of people guessed low because of the number signed up when they guessed, then, lots of people didn't report their numbers or had bad hatches. The guess that won was 2900.
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