First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

Sheesh, my entire post just disappeared...

Reporting on my jacket: Large, Army Green, please.

Arielle, do you have photos of your feeders? I've been contemplating doing something like this and looking for examples.
Evening, dear friends!

I know we are just passing time here, waiting to set tomorrow, waiting to candle again, waiting on our hatch jacket, etc. This has nothing to do with all that but I am so pleased with myself that I have to share. I had the BEST idea for a practical joke today. I have a great boss. His office it right next to mine, in fact, we can "talk" while both sitting at our own desks, if we speak up enough. The coffe pot, a Keurig, is in my office and he gets there an hour before I do and opens up my office to get coffee. He loves Peanut M&M's. He is always trying to diet but Peanut M&M's will derail him everytime. I keep a few small packs of them locked in my desk drawer and if he is grouchy or I am trying to pursuade him to see something my way, I will open the drawer and hold one up. He hates it but will give in and take the treat. I am going to buy two identical glass containers (with glass tops) to sit on my desk. I will fill them both with peanut M&M's but one I will Superglue the lid on. That one I will leave on my desk for him to see when I'm not there. The other I will lock in my desk. IF he asks about the one on my desk and why it won't open, I will tell him it is just for decoration or that it is one of those "In case of emergency, break glass" things. I think he will say nothing because he won't want to admit that he tried to open it. After I am sure that he has tried it at least once, I will swap it for the un-glued one. While he is in my doorway talking, I will casually reach over and get one out and eat it! I can't wait to see what he does. IF he doesn't react, I will swap it back when I leave for the day!

I can't wait, I think I will get him good! It will be sooooo funny!

OH, and I think I have a BO broody!
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Sheesh, my entire post just disappeared...

Reporting on my jacket: Large, Army Green, please.

Arielle, do you have photos of your feeders? I've been contemplating doing something like this and looking for examples.

Will see what I can do for pics tomorrow!

These are built ins. I copied designs from the resource section of BYC. Each of the 3 are basically the same but adapted to the uniqueness of each of the pallet coop condo. I like that 1-2 gal feed can fit in easy-peasy. ANd the box at the bottom can hold a days food so I can see when they need more.
Good Morning, Turkeys!

And Turkey Hatchers!


Today is the day to set chicken eggs
to act as tutors for your turkeys, or just because you want to hatch chickens for
Cinco de Mayo!
Today is also the first day to enter photos for our
Poultry Yoga Contest!
Official Rules
1. Entries will be accepted April 14 through April 21 only. Post them to the thread and PM each to Wisher1000. Entries are limited to three photos per person.
2. The contest is open to anyone participating in the First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch. You do not have to be present to win and you do not have to be hatching. Lurking, posting, or laughing at us qualifies as participation.
3. Straight jacket is required. Notify ChooksChick of your size and color preference.

2. The prize is a hardback copy of "Extraordinary Chickens" by S. Green-Armytage. The winner will be determined by popular vote. Final decisions or tie breakers will be determined and the sole opinion of The Committee. The winner will be required to provide his/her mailing address to Wisher1000 and to post a picture of self in said straight jacket.
3. Participation and mileage may vary, void where prohibited. Many will enter, one will win. Paid employees of the First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch and their families are not eligible. Batteries not included
6. Caution: Receipt of this prize may (or may not, but probably will) increase or cause the desire to hatch every breed featured in the book. BYC, The First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatch, The Poultry Yoga Contest, nor it's affiliates, coordinators, sponsors, or participants can be held liable or responsible in any way. Wisher (hereafter known as "Contest Master") and other contest coordinators are absolved of any responsibility now and in the future for any collateral damage. Collateral damage includes, but shall not be limited to: extra expenses for additional coops, extra expenses for additional chick/chicken feed, additional family members becoming hatch-a-holics, permanently disfigured noses from pressing against incubators or any other side effects not mentioned herein. If you, or a family member need help with your hatching addiction, please call either: 1-800-STOPMEE (if you want to quit) or 1-800-LUVCHIK (if you want to continue and meet other crazies). Oh, heck, just join us in this hatch-a-long and have fun!

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Wisher you forgot batteries not included

Also for those who set on Easter (like we were supposed to, hint hint SCG) you can set your chicken eggs today or tomorrow. Has everybody candled yet or just SCG?
Wisher you forgot batteries not included

Also for those who set on Easter (like we were supposed to, hint hint SCG) you can set your chicken eggs today or tomorrow. Has everybody candled yet or just SCG?

I haven't candled yet.....waiting for SuperRX to say she sees something....then I'll take the time to look at mine!

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