First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

I fear this will be my year of the broodies. I have one dedicated BA--so much for record breaking 340 eggs in a year advertising. RSL go broody?? Please say you are kidding!! I bought my BSL to be egg making machines not broodies.
I fear this will be my year of the broodies. I have one dedicated BA--so much for record breaking 340 eggs in a year advertising. RSL go broody?? Please say you are kidding!! I bought my BSL to be egg making machines not broodies.

It's not common and I won't know for sure until I get home and see if she's still on the nest. She could have been laying a late egg although that's very unlike her. She gets so anxious to lay an egg she finds her way to the nestbox when it's still dark out in the morning and is often on the nest when I get out there at 4:15 AM. The RSLs and my white leghorns are like that.
I'm certifiable I had to take a quick look at 2 MW eggs both look like they are going to be turkeys....I have my shipped eggs ready to add and sorry that I'm sending that awful weather we just had east I am not sorry it left though we are due to have 80's all next week and I'm going horse camping at the beach lucky me
SCG keeping my
that you have some good ones. Yeah the egg I waxed for the Easter hatch made it to lockdown but I think it was a late quitter. It definitely developed just didn't go the whole way.
Not a big surprise, I was just surprised that it even started developing. It was a pretty good sized indent in the egg. I am throwing my chicken eggs in tomorrow so that they all go to lockdown the same day. Probably throw in around ten (or whatever they lay tomorrow, might even keep a few from today but not too many). Now off to give the horses the spa treatment. All five get "nails" done and a full brush out today. My back is going to be killing me this afternoon.
Renee, I picture you more in a lavender color. Don't know why.
You are the second person I know in Maine with leghorns! I always thought thew couldn't take the cold. WHat kind of leghorn, and are the girls flighty?

I originally had 4 white leghorns, two are dead. Both died of internal laying issues. The others pretty much lay an egg a day.

Pretty much EVERYTHING does well in the cold, as long as they have a coop where they can get out of drafts and can eat extra calories. The only things I'd be worried about up here are chickens with funky feathers - I'm a bit nervous about my showgirls, but they've been to 10 degrees and no issues, so far, and I'm not going to sweat it. I'd be worried about frizzles or sizzles, just because they can't keep the heat in well (although that's a guess, I've never had them).

All of my "flighty" mediterannean breeds are the sweetest little lovebirds, ever. They crawl up on my lap! A few of them fly over the fence, daily, but some of them don't.

This is Tonya Harding Chicken (when she was much younger, I'm at work, obviously don't have access to all my photos!) who will stalk me for belly rubs. She's a mediterannean breed (andalusian) just like the leghorns. If I don't love on her she will launch herself into my arms. Scares the crap out of me sometimes, when I'm not expecting it. I can't sit down anywhere outside without her crawling up onto my lap.

Unfortunately I don't have leghorn love photos here at work, but they're the same way, calm and friendly. They like to be petted and one of them jumps in my lap for rubbing, the others aren't as friendly but aren't really psychotic like most people think leghorns are.
Quote: Tonya Harding CHicken is very pretty!! ANd a love! Amazing how many birds don't fit their general description.

I have a silver spangled hamburg rooster that I actually like a lot. He is a tough little bugger, spry and quick to move out of reach . . . but once I have a hold of him he's very cooperative. I've come to admire him. He sounds more flighty than your leghorns though I don't consider him psychotic either.
I just stopped by to say hi, I set t midget whites with y'all but I haven't had time to read the posts so I'm going to do that this weekend and then post more. I guess I will set some americana tomorrow to go with my turkeys.
I set more eggs in the wee hours of the night or morning. I seem to have late latches sometimes, so I'm hatching chickens around turkeys to make sure I have something to raise them with. That being said I did candle my eggs last night. Either I am really blind or they aren't doing anything.
I'm not giving up! Maybe I just couldn't see something that is there.
I'll take my straight jacket in a large and purple with pink polka dots. On another note my dog just bit my husbands cousin. We will have to take him to the pound. He bit me once and my son once, this was the last straw.

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