First Annual Cinco de Mayo Turkey Hatchathon- Join us! Set Day: Easter

mlmddh I mainly do my own because I don't usually do a lot of them at the same time. I honestly don't know if there is a processing place close. I don't really want to do meat birds, we just process the extra roos I hatch and the turkeys. Now I am going to candle this morning before it gets too light.

I need to find the information again. I was going to add it to the California thread. There's a place in Manteca that does processing. If I get time later I'll find it for you.
I am of the opinion that we have had to become so rules and regs oriented because of lawsuits that we have lost any level of reason. Makes everything unreasonably expensive.

Now if I can just learn how to process my own--that is my goal, just having a few stumbling blocks.

I agree completely!

And now I am off to set a pot of water to boil. My roo has been crowing non-stop all morning and all this talk about butchering has reminded me I have a job to do.
I need to find the information again. I was going to add it to the California thread. There's a place in Manteca that does processing. If I get time later I'll find it for you.
Whispers to Wolftracks.......Kim I live in Utah, not Stockton CA.
I forgive you for forgetting, you are older than me

It's happy dance time for a few reasons!!!!!

First, all of my math homework is done for the weekend so tomorrow I am freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee and clear to go on a nice long ride

Second, in about an hour, a lady is going to come by and possibly buy five or six more chicks from me!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DH says he is very proud that I have actually sold some because he thought I never would. In fact when I told him that I think I can pick out the girls from the boys (based on feather growth) he said, well don't sell all the girls!
Course I could always hatch some more.

ETA - Sold five more down to only twenty, might just have to "bake" some more after this.
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Time's running out!
The deadline for the

Poultry Yoga Contest
Is fast approaching!
Don't delay!
Submissions must be made by Midnight, Saturday, April 21, 2012.
Hundreds of Fabulous Prizes await!
(Well, it's actually one prize, but it is pretty fabulous.)

Post your entry and PM to Wisher1000!
. I only had to pull two clears from the eggs I got from birdguy but I had to pull six of Lurkey's eggs. Most of them were bloodrings? I don't know why this is so. I know most of her eggs didn't get a chance to sit in the coop so I am wondering what could have caused this. I can't blame the bator since they were sitting right next to birdguy's eggs and I am not having this issue with his. Hmmmmmmmmmm I might have to do a little research on this to try to figure out what happened there. On a good note, I still have 19 left in the two bators. I do have a couple more that were "maybes" so I will candle again in a week to see where they are at. It does look like all the chicken eggs are going at this point but it is still really early for them. Not even a full week. Just did them because I was doing the turkey eggs. I am probably going to transfer all eggs into the styrobator for hatching though since there is more room in there to hatch.

I thought a couple looked like bloodrings here too, but I keep getting distracted by the shell dots. Oh look, a chicken.

Now if I can just learn how to process my own--that is my goal, just having a few stumbling blocks.

We used an old article in Backyard Poultry that did it step by step plus a couple of youtube videos. You might want to post on the Mass thread and ask if anyone is doing it soon. There was some interest on the Maine thread so when we do it we're going to post and if a couple people want to come and "help" and learn, then that's fine.
Time's running out!
The deadline for the

Poultry Yoga Contest
Is fast approaching!
Don't delay!
Submissions must be made by Midnight, Saturday, April 21, 2012.
Hundreds of Fabulous Prizes await!
(Well, it's actually one prize, but it is pretty fabulous.)

Post your entry and PM to Wisher1000!

I have to say the only things the ducks are up to lately are hormonal things. I had to turn the hose on them today, except, they're ducks and turning the hose on them only makes them more excited. I had to go in and break it up. My poor rouen cross boy duck is apparently very pretty and irresistible because he's almost bald from all the attention from two of the other male ducks.

Well, I figured out what happened with my Easter Hatch (or more accurately, Easter Didn't Hatch.) I saw a thermo/hygrometer on sale at Pet Supplies Plus and decided to buy it. I put it into my bator with the other two thermometers which were both registering the same temp and have been together throughout the last hatch. The new one immediately started climbing and stopped at 105! I made a quick run to Wally World and picked up another one and it agreed (well, was real close) to the new one. I fried my last batch and may have already killed this batch! What are the chances of two thermometers, one digital and one mercury both being off by 5 degrees? I am going to adjust the temp, leave them in and hope for the best. I will not be as disappointed if these don't hatch, I am just thrilled that I now think I know what went wrong. Besides, I have 20 eggs under a broody and her temp is spot on!
I have to say the only things the ducks are up to lately are hormonal things. I had to turn the hose on them today, except, they're ducks and turning the hose on them only makes them more excited. I had to go in and break it up. My poor rouen cross boy duck is apparently very pretty and irresistible because he's almost bald from all the attention from two of the other male ducks.



Well, I figured out what happened with my Easter Hatch (or more accurately, Easter Didn't Hatch.) I saw a thermo/hygrometer on sale at Pet Supplies Plus and decided to buy it. I put it into my bator with the other two thermometers which were both registering the same temp and have been together throughout the last hatch. The new one immediately started climbing and stopped at 105! I made a quick run to Wally World and picked up another one and it agreed (well, was real close) to the new one. I fried my last batch and may have already killed this batch! What are the chances of two thermometers, one digital and one mercury both being off by 5 degrees? I am going to adjust the temp, leave them in and hope for the best. I will not be as disappointed if these don't hatch, I am just thrilled that I now think I know what went wrong. Besides, I have 20 eggs under a broody and her temp is spot on!

Well, that sucks!! This is why I tell everyone to go get a BUNCH of the $1.62 el cheapo, sealed and secure from moisture!!

No lie, I have about a dozen of those things in all of my incubators, always able to lay hands on one. They are almost always +/- no more than a degree of every other indicator, but STAY that way. I've seen too many cardboard ones lose accuracy due to the swelling and shrinking of the cardstock, and the digital ones seem to fizzle over time, too.

Even Mahonri's Spot-Check died this hatch!

Hope the eggs made it- you should know soon enough.

In other news, I found two Bronze poults at a nearby town for $5 each- I'm supposed to go get them tomorrow! A couple of weeks old already. w00t!

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