First Baby Pheasant Hatched Today! Now What???


15 Years
Nov 14, 2008
Sunny Southern Arizona
I bought some pheasant eggs on here and I had the first one out today and 6 more shake, rattle, and rolling. They are Blue Backed Ringnecks (?) I believe. I was happy to try my hand at them, but now what!?!?

What type of feed? Do I need to keep it separate from the chickens or can I mingle them as chicks? How quick will these mature?

Any and all advice and help would be great!
They can use a gamebird but, or I use a Meat bird starter. 24% is fine. The birds grow pretty fast, and require a lot of space. Excess handling (like with chicks) is not needed. Remember that they are a wild animal and will act like one.

Good luck. I havea thread at the top of the page with lots of info.
Good luck.
If you try to free range your pheasants you won't have them for long. Just be sure not to crowd them or they will get cannibalistic. Peepers will stop it though.
I typed that before I went to Ticks Link. It is a great resource, thanks!

Do most of you all release them, raise them for your own meat, or sell them to game bird farms/sancuaries/ dog training facilities?
I always raised them and let em go. Unless you let them go at around 6 to 8 weeks. After that there survival rate goes down.
If you want game birds for meat you would be better off with chukars. They don't have the cartlidge shafts in thee legs like pheasants and I think they are hardier.

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