First chicks, and first coop. Looking for some advice.


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
Well we have our 9 birds in the brooder and Im building a coop!! The coop is being built on a old trailer, and when done will be semi moveable. Its right around 6x6, with 6' headroom at the door, tapering down to a little over 4.5' at the low wall. It will also have a around 4' screened, and roofed run cantilevering off the back. and a bigger more open run off of that for when we can keep a good eye on them. Here is where I am now....

Now being that Im at the point of doing the end walls, I was wondering first how big the chicken door to the run should be? I was thinking about 12"x12". Im thinking of a sliding door to be able to hook a rope to it to open from outside. Next is the nest boxes. I was planning on mounting them through the front wall, with a lid that allows me to pull eggs without going in. About how high should it be off the floor? From what I read it seems 3-4 boxes would be good for 9-12 birds?

Thanks for any advice on this build. My first try with chickens and want to learn as much as I can!
Here is some building pic.

The girls!! MAN they grow fast!!!

My starting point. A old trailer that's been hanging around for years!
After weeks of looking for cheap windows I scored some sashes from Habbat for humanity restore for 5 bucks a sash!!!!

I made my door 12x14 but 12x12 will work fine, I would go with 4 nestboxs in case chicken math strikes, I'd have them around 10 inches off the floor with a perch to hop on to get in, that way you can add alot of shavings to help keep them warm in the winter, looks great and I like the idea of the trailer. Keep the pictures coming as you progress.
Thanks for the tips. I haven't framed up that wall yet, so Ill go a little taller on it. Is 12x12 good for nest boxes? Should I go a little bigger?

I live in the northeast, and get cold winter temps. I was planning on insulating the walls, and ceiling with foam. Im guessing I should the nest boxes also correct? I would like the outside door on them, but a little worried about drafts. Have you all with outside mounted nest boxes used some sort of gasket on the lid?
Personally I don't think insulation is necessary I live in Massachusetts and this winter was brutal, I had the vents open all winter and had no problems if you insulate and have the required ventilation any heat will just go out, I had external laying boxes with no gasket they did fine, a good cold hardy breed also helps they have great down coats on all the time. Being draft free is important as no wind blowing straight on them.
OK, noted. Ill just make sure the nest boxes are built tight, and not worry so much about the insulating.

I was hoping to get all the framing done for the coop today because its my only work day this weekend, but the day has dawned POURING rain!! The chicks are getting older, and Ill be needing the coop in a few weeks.

Well Ill at least pick up some of the siding I need, and some more lumber. Its a start any ways.
Some more work today on the coop. I got the run side wall framed, and started the last wall I can't do more till I build the nest boxes.
Well haven't checked in in a bit, but I'm slowly moving along. It's starting to take shape!!


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