First chicks since, I was a kid on the farm...

UPDATE, all the chickens are doing fine with several mother hens doing their part and raising up new stock. Got some Welsumers and Dark Brahmas which are lovely. I also added some Pilgrim Geese to the mix who happily free range during the day on the farm.
I bred Cassie to a Gypsy Piebald stallion and she gave me a lovely little stud cold with black and white color.
Midnight I bred to a gorgeous Black Overo Stallion and received a little filly with black and white color, so I'm seeing black and white, lol.

My Geese have managed to sneakily raise two broods of goslings too which I sold all but two hens, which gave me a fifty-fifty ratio on Males to Females, which I'm sure pleased the boys.

The dogs are doing great and I even added a stray barn cat, which is just a mangy manx looking mix with tri color but mean as hell. Capturing him and taking him to the vet was no easy feat but he's clean disease wise and treated for worms and darn good at vermin control so I rarely need to feed him. I know what you ladies are thinking, "Don't let him around the baby chicks" and I initially thought that but soon found my lady Geese very protective of their domain and the cat :eek:screaming as he was chased by a flock of waddling geese.
Congrats on the new additions! Rats are great pets. My son had one when he was little and the rat would hang on the roll bar of his remote control truck and ride. It was helarious. They don't bite and can be litter trained like a cat. They're very smart.
Negative on the Rats, they still make me cringe everytime I see them. May my Mean Barn Cat get everyone of them in my area.
Tame pet rats are not even in the same realm as wild, gross rats. Ick! Pet rats are social, can learn tricks, their name and are very loving. They are nothing like the little scavengers that destroy crops and homes. The tail freaks me out a little, but their tails are functional for them.


Congrats on your chicks!
I know this is a chicken forum, but I feel like I need to step in and defend rats. Tame rats make excellent pets. Much better than hamsters or gerbils. They never bite unlike hamsters and gerbils. People are quick to buy hamsters for their kids.
When I went to the pet store intending on buying a hamster, the sales person talked me into getting a rat. I am so glad I did. Reba is the sweetest thing ever. Both of my kids love her as do my neices and nephews. Also when we let her out of her cage she comes back to you unlike a hamster.
Not that you would wish death on anyone's pet, right?


You ladies are funny how your trying to protect the image of rats or convince me of the kindness of pet rats. I'm sure a pet Rat is much kinder than a wild Rat.
It is cute how you ladies keep trying to covince me though.

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