First cold snap and now a 6month pullet is listless


6 Years
Mar 17, 2013
We're finally down to freezing at night and 40f during the day. But now one of my blue orpingtons is listless, droopy tail, not enthused about treats. Is it the weather or possibly something else?
No mites, no lice, no diarrhea. But she does have very little mutes stuck to her "skirt" and they are green. But I did just open up the garden to them so they've been eating a lot of greens.
mutes are poop. I don't know she's never laid an egg and her comb isn't that red, just kind of red.
Treat water with Corid for 5-7 days. Use a treatment dose of 2tsp per gallon of water for 9.6% liquid Corid, or 1 tsp if you use 20% Corid powder. Let that be the only source of drinking water for the bird. After the last day of Corid treatment, use vitamin-electrolyte powder plus Probios dispersible powder in the water for 3 days. Let us know how the bird is doing during treatment. Do not give this water treatment if they are eating medicated feed. You shouldn't be since they are 6 months old. They should be on a lay ration.

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