First Cull, Didn't go so well

Yes, that is a scary thought for me too
I don't know how uncomfortable the fumes would have been. One day in chemistry, the professor used a container of ether to show the dispersion of molecules through the atmosphere. He put an open bottle on the lecture table and started lecturing away. Then he noticed the students in the first three rows were slumped over and appeared to be asleep. Now he had on occasion seen a student or two fall asleep during one of his lectures, but not three rows of them. The ether had knocked out all of them. He quickly recapped the bottle and opened all the doors and windows. In a few minutes all of them came around, none the worse for wear. I don't think the same could be said for the instructor's nerves.
I can certainly sympathize. Killing a chicken by trying to wring or dislocate its neck is definitely not easy nor pleasant. I've unfortunately had to do it myself on rare occasions with a bird that was not right, for the sake of the rest of the flock. Most vets only treat dogs and cats and all of them charge a fortune. Unfortunately it can take a very long time to diagnose an illness in a chicken, and often the bird has to be sent to a diagnostic lab (and sacrificed) in order to do so, and even then they may not come up with anything conclusive or be able to suggest a treatment. The only positive part of my experiences thus far is that it has always been an isolated bird and not the whole flock, and that it doesn't happen that often.
So sorry about that. It is a fact if you own chickens they are going to die or have to be culled. Just recently I had a pullet drop dead for what it seemed like no reason. In the previous months I had to cull a few that were not doing to well. Yes it sucks. I just don’t like watching them suffer if I can help it.
I am truly sorry. I find that for me it is best not to overthink things and just do whatever is simplest and takes no skill. One day, through no fault of my own, it was up to me and me alone, to kill and butcher a chicken. Cervical location was out of the question. So was the broom handle method. So was an axe because I don't have the upper body strength necessary to wield an axe. I went out to the shop so see what I could find and my eyes lit on a big heavy duty pair of pruning shears. I figured maneuvering those would be within my skill level. They were. I lopped the head off that chicken before either he or I knew what was happening. I am so sorry for what you and the chicken went though. Sometimes in spite of all our best intentions things just go sideways.
So very true, thank you.
Please don't read this if it's too hard, I am going to be honest and it may be too graphic to some readers.
Tonight my husband and I had to make the decision to cull my sick hen. Opal was my favorite hen, raised from a chick, she was such a good girl, a sweetheart.
I have done research since owning hens, knowing some day there may be an emergency, and I wanted a little knowledge about culling methods sitting in my brain just incase.
I felt cervical dislocation, one of the more humaine choices for us.
Tonight, before the act, we watched videos, practiced on our arms, and read articles. We felt it would be fast.
It didn't work out that way 😭
Poor sweet Opal, My husband tried, he pulled as instructed but her head wouldn't dislocate! He tried a few more times, I think Opal went unconscious a few times, but she didn't die!
We were horrified but had to continue, we were too far into this. I tried, I couldn't feel the crack or dislocation like they said I would.
We laid her down, and thought she was dead, but I could see her breathing! OMG! What does it take to do this? We were following the directions but couldn't get it done!
I grabbed a broom stick, laid her on her belly and tons my husband to pull her body. Wings started flapping, he said he felt the pop,.
I couldn't help to feel terrified that she was still alive, but she was gone.
I NEVER want to do this again! I can't stop crying. I know her suffering is done now, but my goodness, this was not a quick peaceful death that I was hoping for her.
I feel absolutely horrible! My poor sweet little girl. 😭😭😭😭
I don't know what I will do now if another emergency arises. I can't figure out what we did so wrong.
I'm sorry but I had to get this off my chest, all I can see is her little face, 😭View attachment 2242400
That's what I tried for my first time too. Also didn't go as planned. That was several years ago now. Sorry you had such a hard time. I've switched to using a super sharp knife. It's messier, but you know when it's done. :hugs She's not in pain any more.

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