First cull story

As far as traffic cones, I did see somewhere on here that one person said they used traffic cones and a very sturdy metal tomato cage. There wasn’t an image, but I think they meant the rounded ones that got wider at the top and had spikes at the bottom to put in the ground. They flipped it upside down so the spikes were pointing up. They folded out the spikes and were able to place the cone on that. The wide portion served as a base. A bucket could be placed inside. This sounded neat and very easy to set up without anything permanent. My only concern was stability- sometimes the chicks really flap afterwards
I think if I reinforced one of my tomato cages a bit, I could use this idea for when the time comes. Thank you.
Yeah I feel like that he base would need to be anchored a bit - some sort of stake that would be easy to stick in the ground and pull up? Tent stake or something?
I used an old feed sack, cut the corner out and pulled her head through that. Was able to cut her head off and then used the bag to wrap her up in before burying.

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