first day of free ranging....


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 21, 2013
All four are staying close to the run and it took the pullets 20 min to leave.

The two 2 year olds have been dying to get out..

They only fly when chased and I've committed to not chasing.

They're having a blast!!

The top of the order can't stay away from the fig tree which is dropping fruit right now (bugs!)
Glad it went so well for you. If you allow them to free-range on a regular basis, they will gain the confidence to range further and further from the coop, rather than sticking close to it. I bet they LOVE the fruit and bugs falling from the tree. Heck, you made ME want to move in there!
Sounds like they had fun with their first intro to the outside, can't get much better than bugs. X2 they'll get a lot braver very quickly.

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