First Day Owning Chickens - What’s Normal!?


In the Brooder
Mar 30, 2024

I just picked up two 7 week old Easter Egger Pullets today. We put them in the backyard coop and at first they were flighty/walked around mostly under the raised covered part of the coop/ate a bit but immediately returned to the corner under the raised coop. They are not free range/they will be kept in a coop with a run. I ran some errands and came home and have been sitting with them and they are laying together in the corner in the same spot. Is laying down during the day this much normal!? We are in VA. It’s pleasant and 70 degrees, they are sticking to the shaded part in the corner - are they just adjusting? Very anxious and new to this looking for any input!
Mostly, just let them be. Good food, clean water, and protection is what they need. Don't try and pick them up, be calm and quiet. If you want them as pets, put a chair in the run. Sit quietly. After they relax, and start to ignore you, toss a handful of scratch. They will act like you tried to kill them, but will find it. Wait till they calm again and then leave.

Next day, repeat -

Next day, throw the scratch a little closer to you. Keep calm and mostly quiet, keep staying a little longer, and be patient.

Mrs K
Thank you to everyone for the supportive and helpful posts! The chicks are on day 3 and already have adjusted so much! They even put themselves to bed in their coop on their own last night and are very comfortable with us as we walk around the coop/run. What a great community and such a fun new journey! Appreciative to all <3

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