First DIY floating duck house.

Pinterest led me to a 2012 post here on a floating duck house. This is my first DIY -
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Here are the basic steps:
Started with a pre-made playset from Gorilla Playsets
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Made a slight adjustment in the height to be more “duck appropriate” to get the basic frame:
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Next I built the platform from 2x6 pressure-treated boards:
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I used 1x6 boards to deck the platform. The inside frames are used to hold the 4 x 30 gallon barrels that were then strapped in, also note the eye bolts that would be used to anchor the house:
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The “walls” are made of tongue and grove cedar panels:
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A coat of stain to mostly match the frame:
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I cut entry holes into two of the panels. I then bolted the frame to the platform and attached the walls. Two of the walls were attached with hinges to make it easier to clean:
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Next, I built the roof. First a pressure treated plywood, then cedar shingles. This probably took the longest in the overall build:
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Another layer of stain:
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Then to complete the build, added hip-cap shingles and a solar light to the roof. And installed two hinge-mounted external ramps to result in this:
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This is great!
Can you make copy and paste this post into an article please?
Hi folks!

Sorry, I didn’t see the tags till today, when I saw an email about it.

Let me see, I’ll attach a couple of pictures here:


Here’s a link to a short video on YouTube. Sorry it’s a bit far away, but you can see one of the Pekings walking up the ramp.

Hey @aart
Yeah it’s working great, this is also how it looks after a few storms and rain downpours.

Thankfully no fox or coyotes seem to be taking risks. The house is close to the bank that is closer to our house. Mainly because I was too lazy to take out the boat every time to clean it/collect eggs.

The ducks themselves have really gotten spoiled by my wife and have the habit of coming up to the yard by our house at night. That appeals to said laziness as it’s easier to collect the eggs up here...

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