FIRST EGG!! But layed in the run? 🤔


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2020
Southern California
One of my hens laid her first egg!!


HOWEVER!! I found this egg in the run. I think this happened because these little jerks kick out all of the bedding from their coop whenever I clean it out!! I just filled it back up and they are currently inside of the coop scratching away. I left the door to the coop open incase any of the other hens have an urge to lay an egg. Does anyone else have this problem/ a suggestion to fix it? They have straw bedding currently which maybe they don’t like
One of my hens laid her first egg!!

View attachment 2425135
HOWEVER!! I found this egg in the run. I think this happened because these little jerks kick out all of the bedding from their coop whenever I clean it out!! I just filled it back up and they are currently inside of the coop scratching away. I left the door to the coop open incase any of the other hens have an urge to lay an egg. Does anyone else have this problem/ a suggestion to fix it? They have straw bedding currently which maybe they don’t like
That's awesome! I'm getting no eggs at all :(
I think this happened because these little jerks kick out all of the bedding from their coop whenever I clean it out!! I just filled it back up and they are currently inside of the coop scratching away. I left the door to the coop open incase any of the other hens have an urge to lay an egg. Does anyone else have this problem/ a suggestion to fix it? They have straw bedding currently which maybe they don’t like
Pics of coop and nests?
New layers often tear the nests up at first, they should stop that after awhile.
Fake eggs in nests and 4-6" front lip on nest will help.
I know someone who made some reusable Velcro nest box pads. Just like normal pads, but so her hens couldn’t kick them out. It’s a bit difficult though, so regular pads might be easiest for you. If your hens kick them out, you can just duct tape them down.

My pullets constantly push the shaving from one end of the coop to the other. Strangely though, I have the OPPOSITE issue! They pull all the shavings and put them in the nest boxes! Not because there aren’t enough shavings in there already, because it’s pretty deep, but probably because they want to make me mad 😂

But your girls should be fine after a while. I think all they’re doing is trying to make it nicer, but really are just tearing it up like @aart said. Give it a while, and hopefully no more of your eggs will be flung out into space ;)

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