First Egg Countdown

My girls are 16 weeks old and getting red in the face. One of mine hens (the smallest actually) has a much larger comb then the one pictured. How much longer do you think it will be before we start seeing eggs??

Here are some pics to see the faces. The EE and the Wyandotte are both laying. I found the Wyandotte's egg as a surprise in the yard the same day the EE started laying. Then yesterday for sure I knew it was the Wyandotte because the two were in the nest together laying. They were cuddling each other and making low cooing noises for over an hour. They both laid for me and confirmed it.

EE= Wiskers

Wyandotte = Violet, The Dowager Countess of Grantham

The two not laying yet, Australorp and Barred Rock

Congratulations on the new egg layers. The Barred Rock and the Australorp look close. My BAs started laying at about 25 weeks.

Here are some pics to see the faces. The EE and the Wyandotte are both laying. I found the Wyandotte's egg as a surprise in the yard the same day the EE started laying. Then yesterday for sure I knew it was the Wyandotte because the two were in the nest together laying. They were cuddling each other and making low cooing noises for over an hour. They both laid for me and confirmed it.

EE= Wiskers

Wyandotte = Violet, The Dowager Countess of Grantham

The two not laying yet, Australorp and Barred Rock

I am still waiting on my Marans and Easter Egger to lay their first egg. Yesterday I checked to see if Maranda would do the egg squat--She did not. She did fly up to me though and did no mind me touching her back.

I probably have to wait another couple of weeks
. I am so looking forward to a dark brown egg. Of course she could lay an olive colored egg too--Depends on what the breeder used for a rooster.

Thank you Pele!

She is getting to be very friendly too. She was a bit flighty but was actually kind of cuddly yesterday.

I do love her red beard. I am going to have some pretty chickens this year.

Oh my, what a pretty girl! I don't ever think I've seen a red beard on an EE before. I'll send egg-vibes to you!

The first egg from the first chicks I hatched has been laid
My EE Chipmonk laid an egg today!

The egg on the left is from one of the big girls. She was driving me crazy yesterday--she was in the nest box practicing the egg song all afternoon.

See the post just before this one for a picture of Chipmonk from last week.



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