First Egg! Finally 😂 Questions

Congratulations on your first egg. I love eggs from young chickens and I think they taste better. The chance of a double yoke is also better.
I do not wash my eggs and keep them on the counter for up to 1 month and then they go in the fridge. In fall do I put them straight into the fridge to have enough eggs through the winter time. I would not keep them longer as 3 month in the fridge ( I have found information which says they are good for up to 6-month but I do not want to test that.)
We got our first egg yesterday, but I’m wondering a few things and hoping for answers here
Sorry if these are stupid questions but I wanted to double check what everyone else does.
One we have the egg and I know you are suppose to not wash right away and keep on counter or whatever to have them last longer
My question is about how long do you keep them out before putting in refrigerator if not eating right away? My other question was if it’s really cold out ( which it is here) and we bring the eggs in from outside and they are on counter and get room temperature wouldn’t that make them go bad sooner? Since it’s cold outside should they go directly to refrigerator?
Once washed and in refrigerator how long do they last?
Can you eat the first eggs? I’m hearing two different things from people and how do I tell who laid first egg? Is there a way to tell?
Lastly my hens were born in August … and are a lil later starting then I thought they should be but I figured since it was winter it may delay them a bit with less light and stuff, but now that one laided will the rest start too? I know they don’t lay everyday but I have two red sexlinks two buff orpingtons one silver laced Wyandotte and two Silkies one is a satin ( I know they are not great egg layers and eggs small but they were cute 😂)
I found egg on floor too not nesting box we did put straw in boxes and fake eggs and I have some nesting box herbs coming today to get them to go to boxes … any other tricks?
Congrats on first egg. You are right about the pullet not laying until the days last longer. I wouldn't worry about the cold outside I've never had that bother my eggs. I keep on counter for weeks about 3 , if in fridge they will last for months. The red combs and waffles and the pelvic test will tell you who is laying.

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