First egg from my Easter Egger!

Yes it most certainly does and I am one over the city limit already but I could always start trading out my trouble makers!!!!!!!!!
We have one 11 month old EE and one 24+ week RS and still no eggs! We hung a light today. Are you lighting your coop? How many hours.

Ooopps... Congratulations!!
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No lights here, but we're in inland San Diego - we are still getting a decent amount of sunshine. We have had a lot of rain lately, and the chickens tend to spend quite a bit of time in our lighted barn. (Most of them are laying in the barn's hay room [in a single nesting box] rather than in our coop that has very nice nesting boxes.Silly chickens!)

I had a Salmon Faverolle start laying this week, too, so now I have four layers. Seeing that green egg yesterday just sent me over the moon!
I have been anxiously waiting for my 2 americanas to start laying wondering who will lay color. my first was last Tues. So I knew at least one of them would. Then had another 2 days later..then another 2 more days later then 2 today!!! I know both my girls are laying color...mine are a light greenish blue color. Now...I hate to eat them!!!
Our EE started laying a few weeks back and has been a regular like yours! Very early, a little later, a day off. I swear she must jump off the roost at the first sign of light for her early morning lays because by the time I get out there to open up the coop door there is an egg, which is already cold. I did not expect her to be such a good layer (I thought they were an average of 3 eggs per week) - pretty much 5 out of 7 days we get an egg from her.
After the first early in the morning, I got another yesterday afternoon. I guess I should expect her to take today off?

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