First Egg Of The Season - - Anyone Else Get One?


13 Years
Jul 7, 2010
Shady Hills, FL
Tonight when I went to lock everyone up for the night I found a pea egg in the pen. The hen is a IB Pied and the peacock is a 3 yr old IB (could be dark pied cause I do not remember if he has a throat patch or not LOL) split to white. This is the first time I got and egg in April, I did get one 2 years ago in January when we had a little heatwave in Connecticut. My season is end of May to end of August, but sometimes longer.

Has anyone else found their first egg os the season and if so when?
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None for me yet.
Our white pea's are just starting to lay, we have gotten about 4 eggs from them so far. Nothing from the IB's or Spaulding's yet
Mine are laying as well in Northwestern MN. But its very cold and we still have quite a bit of snow on the ground. Not sure how fertile the eggs will be at these temps.
I am near Poughkeepsie, NY. Mine peahens start laying in the middle of may- around mothers day, when the temp.reach more favorable level for hatching. I do not prefer my peahens laying when the temp are not ideal for the eggs being fertile.We are usually impatient.

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