FIRST EGG! Um... now what


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jul 22, 2014
WOO! So my hard work for six months has finally paid off! I found my first egg this morning... well... five to be exact. One was buried, three just laying out in the open, and one in the feeder (lol silly chikun.) I'm pretty confident they came from my white leghorn. I go out there for hours a day and didn't notice the eggs (the one in the feeder had to be today's) and I would have noticed the ones laying out in the open, the buried one may have been there for a day or so. Is it possible one leghorn could lay FIVE eggs in a matter of two days? The others her age will lay brown eggs... and I can't imagine my polish or silkies are laying before her.

THING IS.... I wasn't expecting to start getting eggs until next month, and literally this week I was going to start preparations. I'm a first time chicken owner, and while my hens are very happy and healthy I have messed up a few times.

My roost is very short, they've been roosting on the lay boxes. Now I know that they'll sit on the highest spot in the coop. So until I can get my man to build me a new roost (which will be Wednesday) can the lay boxes go on the ground...? can they stay on the ground or do they need to be lifted a bit? I've spent a good bit of my day cleaning the nest boxes now that I know it's time for them to be used (it's had wire over the boxes so they wouldn't go in the nest boxes) and the last thing I want is poo all over my new eggs.

Will the chickens just naturally now go to their roost when it's highest in the coop? Also, will they just 'know' to lay eggs in the boxes?

I have two female ducks, as well. They seem to love destroying the straw I put in my newly cleaned nest boxes. Is there anything I need to do with them? Or are they fine just playing around in the straw? Will they lay in the nest boxes, too? I guess what I need to know is, is there any precautions I need to take with having ducks with chickens?

Ugh now that the time has come all of my confidence and knowledge I have collected has flown out the window! I'm so scatter-brained today and questions keep popping into my head. Sorry for the silly questions
Thank you fellow chicken people, you all always get my head back in the right place with all your wisdom.

The best thing to do for nest boxes is to raise them off the ground. I makes the hens feel secure. From my experience and knowledge from my friends, ducks prefer not to lay in nest boxes and will lay on the ground. It is NOT possible for a leghorn or any chicken for that matter to lay 5 eggs in a matter of 2 days.
Okay thanks. Now I'm just puzzled as to which hens laid these five tiny white eggs.
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