
In the Brooder
Jul 23, 2016
My chickens just layed their first egg!! I don't know which one layed it but I am so so excited!! Thank u twocrows for the advice it was right in the middle of the nest box! The egg was right on time, they turned 18 weeks old today
Hi, welcome to BYC!

Your egg is beautiful. What breed pullet?

I got my first egg from my current brood on July 3 this year!
Out of 3 Barred Rock, 1 layed at exactly 20 weeks. The 3rd isn't laying yet at 23 weeks (she's always been a little bigger maybe taking longer to mature).

When they first started I got some softee's because I didn't give oyster shell until I saw the first egg. Right now I am averaging 2 eggs a day from 2 pullets. But no pressure, I am happy to have them do what their bodies need to.

My last flock had 3 breeds that layed different colored eggs so it was easy to tell who laid what. I hate not knowing who's egg I got because I keep meticulous records. I got an egg yesterday that weighed 66 grams. I'm guessing double yolker since 1 I got that was 52 grams was. The begining lay weight was about 35 grams now we are between 38 & 48. I will be rolling in the eggs before long... chicken math brought me to 33 chickens, 20 more coming in August! With my original intent to have 3 hens and add 3 more as the others aged and quit laying.... We better start liking eggs as much as we like chicken TV!

Nice that it was in your box as well.
I think they are orpingtons not 100% sure tho. Should I start them on layer feed right away now? How often do they lay eggs?
Layer feed is good if all of your chickens are laying. It has more calcium. You could also use an "all flock" and offer oyster shell on the side.

You should offer oyster shell right away and on the side even if you use layer feed. Only the hens that need it will use it.

I also feed them back the crushed egg shells (from my own flock only).

Don't throw away your old feed, just mix it in with the new.

Orpington are awesome! 1 of my faves for sweetness (to people).

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