First egg


Jun 14, 2019
So I just walked into our coop and I found our first egg. Sadly though it was cracked and on the ground like the one who laid it was up on the roost. But the shell was very soft. I know I need to put out layer pellets and oyster shells but what about the chickens who aren’t laying? Would it be okay for them to eat layer pellets and oyster shells too? Also I don’t know if it was my Easter egger or one of my two Ameraucanas that laid it. Is there anyway I can tell? Thanks in advance
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Sometimes when they first start laying there are a few oopsies. Don't worry too much about this first one. Many folks on here suggest feeding all flock pellets, with free choice oyster shells, so the layers can get calcium when they need it, and you won't risk giving too much calcium to the ones who aren't laying yet, or ever.
As to who layed it, unless you want to start doing butt checks, you can go by who is the most submissive, has the reddest comb, who is spending the most time checking out the nests. Or just relax and let time reveal all mysteries.
Sometimes when they first start laying there are a few oopsies. Don't worry too much about this first one. Many folks on here suggest feeding all flock pellets, with free choice oyster shells, so the layers can get calcium when they need it, and you won't risk giving too much calcium to the ones who aren't laying yet, or ever.
As to who layed it, unless you want to start doing butt checks, you can go by who is the most submissive, has the reddest comb, who is spending the most time checking out the nests. Or just relax and let time reveal all mysteries.
Ok thank you so much
View attachment 1879033 So I just walked into our coop and I found our first egg. Sadly though it was cracked and on the ground like the one who laid it was up on the roost. But the shell was very soft. I know I need to put out layer pellets and oyster shells but what about the chickens who aren’t laying? Would it be okay for them to eat layer pellets and oyster shells too? Also I don’t know if it was my Easter egger or one of my two Ameraucanas that laid it. Is there anyway I can tell? Thanks in advance
I am a relative newbie myself and was concerned about changing over to layer feed when only one or maybe two started to lay last week...the others are sure to follow in the next weeks I believe but I went ahead and did the changeover and haven't seen any issues with the other girls. I do free choice the oyster shells and I have both chick grit and layer grit out only because the layer grit is so huge. I also provide a little variety (eg. treats like grubblies, grapes, hard-boiled eggs mashed up including the shells) to keep things interesting.
I am a relative newbie myself and was concerned about changing over to layer feed when only one or maybe two started to lay last week...the others are sure to follow in the next weeks I believe but I went ahead and did the changeover and haven't seen any issues with the other girls. I do free choice the oyster shells and I have both chick grit and layer grit out only because the layer grit is so huge. I also provide a little variety (eg. treats like grubblies, grapes, hard-boiled eggs mashed up including the shells) to keep things interesting.
Ok thank you for the ideas!
Ok so yesterday we got 2 eggs and we cracked one open and it was a double yolker!! We were all so surprised and google tells me that the odds for that are 1 in 1000. Today we went up to collect the eggs and we have a super huge green one. We cracked it open and it was a triple yolker!! Turns out the odds for that are about 1 in 25 million!! We are in shock right now. Sorry to brag but I’m just really proud of my chickens

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