First egg!

She lays one every day!! I can't believe she went from never laying to daily laying just like that.

I think this one is the egg layer. This pic is a month ago she is bigger now.
I am so excited!! My best friend stopped by unexpectedly to see my new coop and chickens, so we went out to the barnyard and the coop and she was commenting on my plastic Easter eggs in the nest boxes, so I told her I put them there to encourage the hens to lay there when to my HUGE surprise I found my first egg!! My chickens will only be 18 weeks old tomorrow! I am pretty sure it was one of the Australorps, they seem much more mature then the rest. YAY!! Now what do I do with it.. it's to little and cute...LOL!
I don't think I can bring myself to eat it.. LOL What's really weird is I never thought I would react that way! Guess I need to blow it out and keep it.. course I never did that before either!

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