First Egg


10 Years
Jun 25, 2010
First egg was found today!!!
Now I will have to get some wooden eggs to help her find the nest box
But I am very excited and have been looking for eggs since the middle of August.

The egg is half the size of the store bought grade A eggs but has a nice hard shell. All the kids were hoping to hatch a chick from this egg and I had to remind them it will be a while before the eggs will be ready for hatching.

When would be the right time to try and hatch out of our eggs?
Yay!!!! Congrats! Isn't amazing how exciting it is to find something as simple as an egg? I just had my first two days ago and one more today. So fun. Sorry, I only have females - so I can't help you with your when to start hatching question - surely someone here will!
Thanks Sainbychicks. We are all so excited that we each took a picture next to the egg- my DH has now declared the kids and I nuts
But I am doing a happy dance anyway.
These girls we got in the middle of June but they looked almost adult as such I was guessing they were about 12 weeks old when we got them. They have looked ready for a month now so I have been on pins and needles looking for this egg
My baby chicks are only 8 weeks old now so I will have a long wait for their eggs.
CONGRATS!!! we know the feeling.isn't it GREAT!!!we got our first egg two weekd ago and we have 5 hens so we had to keep waiting.We are getting 4 a day now.We still have one holding out on us..

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