First egg!

I would eat the insides after gently blowing them out. That way it will preserve well. There is a "how to" on the "Crafters what are you making for Christmas" thread today .

BTW, congrats!
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Congrats on the first egg!

Congrats! What breed and age? I'm waiting on my first egg... They are 21 weeks today, so I should have an egg by sundown right? Right?
Thank you everyone! I'm so proud!
I love the blowing out the egg idea! Thank you! I really want to keep it. Hubby thinks I'm nuts! Wait until he sees all the baby stuff from the kids I have boxed up! LOL

The hens were hatched May 12th (sorry I don't have a calender in here and hubby is sleeping in the room that has one) and they are Dominiques. Love my hens! Pretty, sweet and now egg layers!!!

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