First Egg


11 Years
Jul 18, 2013
Found this egg in the nest box yesterday and it was huge. Over three inches long, but it wasn't the same color my older EE's are laying. It was a minty green.
Could this be a pullet egg? I have two EE's hatched April 28, 2014. Today the white one laid a normal size egg, same color while the lavender laid her first yesterday, too. Her's was an olive egg.
But poor Speckles. This would be a huge egg for an older hen. I'm betting it's a double yolker.
Love those huge eggs! This is from today.
Would you believe that egg is from one of the smaller pullets that I have? I get them from the Meyer Hatchery in Polk Ohio, and they're called Golden Buffs. They're only a 4 pound hen, and they lay the biggest, prettiest brown eggs. It's amazing! But I think right now these huge ones (double yolkers) are just because they're new layers. After a while, the double yolkers seem to taper off, then you get a nice normal large brown egg.

I really love those Easter Eggers! I have two and I remember when I got that first green egg! I had never seen one so it was like Christmas! LOL I have to say my two gals lay a small green egg--nothing like the huge one you've got there. LOL

So fun to share the pics!
I have some friends with golden buffs and they love them......small...don't eat a lot and big eggs. What's not to love? They're one of several breeds still on my want to try list.
All my EE's lay good sized eggs for the size of the bird.
My Marans lay the smallest eggs, but they're all still pullets so I expect they will get larger.
I think it's fun when all the eggs don't look alike.

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