First eggs, no shell (photo)


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 16, 2014
Petaluma (Northern California)
I have six chickens, all born late April. This week they started laying eggs. I'm very excited.

This morning we found two shell-less eggs right under the roosting bar.
I read a little about this on the forum so I'm not in a total panic.

Since this just the beginning of the laying cycle for the birds, it might be normal.
It doesn't help that my neighbor just started construction on a new garage just twenty feet from my coop. I'm sure the stress is not helping.

Anyway, I'll hope for the best. Here is a photo of the shell-less egg.

Your girls didn't waste anytime in growng up and starting to lay, mine took a lot longer to start up.

Make sure they are getting enough calcium in their diet and on layer diet. And watch to make sure all are eating, drinking and acting normal.

Stress and hot weather or just early eggs can explain that. They will get used to the building nearby as soon as they stop seeing it as a threat and ignore it.

Hope your next eggs are picture perfect.
I have six chickens, all born late April. This week they started laying eggs. I'm very excited.

This morning we found two shell-less eggs right under the roosting bar.
I read a little about this on the forum so I'm not in a total panic.

Since this just the beginning of the laying cycle for the birds, it might be normal.
It doesn't help that my neighbor just started construction on a new garage just twenty feet from my coop. I'm sure the stress is not helping.

Anyway, I'll hope for the best. Here is a photo of the shell-less egg.

As you said, nothing to really worry about. Their systems take some time to get in gear with laying eggs. You'll more than likely get a few more of them, even shellless ones! Wishing you all the best!!

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