First eggs q's - timing, placement, etc


9 Years
Jan 2, 2011
I think we should be getting our first eggs soon. Our pullets are really filling out and most of them have had a lot of growth in their combs and wattles lately. Our orps faces look like they have been sunburned, they are so bright pink! The rocks look the most mature - very red faces, combs, and wattles. Plus a couple of them look like they are getting wider in the back.

I've heard of the "egg song", though I'm not exactly sure what it sounds like. BUT, I heard one of the rock pullets squaking, "bakbakbakbaGAWK" over and over earlier so I went out there to "spy" on them. Of course, she was hiding in the bushes in the run.
They all ran into the coop when they saw me (thought I was bringing food) and I haven't heard it since.

I've been checking the coop for signs of eggs but I'm thinking they'll probably lay them in the run??? Our run is a pretty big, fenced in, overgrown, almost wood-y area. Plenty of places for the chickens to "hide". They are going to start laying their stinkin' eggs out there where I can barely get them, let alone notice them, aren't they?
Y'all! I want my stinkin eggs! (well, ok, really I know they aren't "MY" eggs but still . . .

We have 10 nest boxes (with golf balls and shavings) plus a pretty big coop. Advice for convincing them to lay in there instead of the run? Are there certain times of the day that they tend to lay or does it completely vary from chicken to chicken?

I've heard that the golf ball trick doesn't work for some chickens. If I put hard boiled eggs in the nest boxes, how long can I safely leave an egg out there? Don't they go bad pretty quickly?

also, a couple of the rocks have had major comb growth and extra redness just in a couple of days. Does this mean that it will probably be days until first eggs, or weeks?

Thanks for reading!
Just 'cause I seem to love replying to my own posts. . . . I've read about the "squatting" - do they all do this before they start laying? I haven't seen anything of the sort.

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