First Eggs!


Jun 11, 2020
NE Georgia (near Athens)
So I have a total of 7 pullets/hens. Guess they are all technically still pullets since they are only 26 weeks old. One of my GL Wyandotte girls started laying over the weekend! :) So exciting! She is averaging one small brown egg per day, and man are they gorgeous eggs! They have golden/orange yolks and are very rich tasting! Nice strong shells too.

But, I wonder when the rest will start laying?

I have another GL Wyandotte, two Hamburgs, a Jersey Giant, an Australorp and a GL Polish. I know they likely will mature at different times, but they are all the same age - I am excited to see what my other girls have in store! YAY FOR EGGS! :celebrate🥚
I had wyandottes, and once they started laying, they were consistent, even through most of winter. However, they took their time getting there. Be patient, 26 to 30 weeks isn't unheard of for these heritage breeds. A little flighty, but sweet and like I said, good layers. The eggs ARE beautiful pale brown, almost a pinkish brown.
Update!!! One of my Hamburgs apparently started laying as well, and is co-op'ing the eggs from my Wyandotte - apparently she is a tad broody (the Hamburg, Wilma). I found a tiny white egg and a tiny brown egg hidden in the corner of the coop and it looked like someone had been nesting there :)

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