First few eggs produced question?


In the Brooder
10 Years
Oct 9, 2009
Attala Co, MS Oprah's hometown
Got my first egg Thursday and 2nd Egg Saturday. First egg was fine, simply small like a Bantam hen had laid it though it's from a Wht Leghorn. Got my second egg, also small but with a woefully thin shell. Quite sure it came from the same hen though that is a guess, I only have 3 laying age so atleast it's an educated guess!

Seems I've read quite often the 2nd or 3rd egg will come out thin shelled like this and is sometimes followed by a double yolker then normal egg size follows, though on the small side. Is this correct?

As for feed I just switched over to laying pellets from starter/grower on thursday with the first egg. My 3 hens were 4 months old exactly on Thursday. Though I have thrown out a single handfull of layer pellets on the ground most days for about 10 days just so they have something to peck at and scratch at.

Should things normalize as time progresses and the feed is changed to layer pellets.

Thanks for the input,
My first eggs were like that also. It only took a week or two for the soft shell eggs to stop. I had a few double yokers for the first four weeks or so. I don't feed oyster shell, just the Purina layer feed.

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