First GREEN egg.....


8 Years
May 13, 2011
Pearl, my Marans/Easter Egger cross laid her first egg yesterday! A beautiful dark olive one!

..... I have been corrected.... sorry Pearl!!! ......

Pearl is a marans/ameraucana cross-not EE cross.
her dad is a blue wheaten ameraucana and mom is a black copper marans.
but SHE is now technicaly an easter egger(olive egger)


We got Pearl from another board member - dinahmoe - Thanks SOOOOO much! Just waiting for Abigail to follow suit..... lol
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I might be getting a easter egger (advertised as araucana but I doubt it!) in a few days!

What colour are your easter eggers/ee crosses? I've heard that the darker the bird =the darker the egg

Black hens lay green/olive eggs
lavender/white hens lay light blue
brown hens lay green
Not sure how to reply to that. Pearl who just laid the Olive egg is pure white. My other two easter eggers, Penny and Nickle, are wheaten and gray/blue color.

I'm so new all this color combination thing has me sOOOO confuzzled.

So funny you should ask Artsy.... I have a VERY broody Cochin right now that is proving to be difficult to break.... but I am really happy with the size of my flock and don't intend to grow it at least until next spring.
Yeah right!
The color is not quite right in the picture. The egg from Sophia is really darker than what it appears to be (I'm assuming you mean that one) and the egg from Nickle, in the front, that looks like a duck egg is really a lovely light blue. I was just too excited to run out to the car and get the 'real' camera. That was taken with my cell phone.
Gorgeous! I have a white EE with a few wheat colored markings, and I really hope we get an olive colored egg. I think that would be wonderful! The girls will be 25 weeks tomorrow, and the three EE's are starting to get red in the face, so I am hoping they will lay in the next couple of weeks. Here she is about two weeks ago:


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