First "Grown Up" Voices


11 Years
Jan 21, 2013
Courtland, KS
Awwww, all my little babies are getting so big, so fast. As I went to feed them this morning, I got to hear the very first of their distinctive was a little girl doing her buck-wheat sound. The others were too busy stuffing their faces; but, she sat up on her roost and just told it like it was the whole time I was doing my morning ritual.

It's wonderful to start the day off with a serenade and a smile.
LOL...too cute.
(It's not nearly as cute when you have 50-60 adult Guinea Hens singing their tail feathers off non-stop tho, lol).
LOL...too cute.
(It's not nearly as cute when you have 50-60 adult Guinea Hens singing their tail feathers off non-stop tho, lol).

That's what my husband said. I'm not expecting to hit that many on the Guinea scale...though 30 is not outside the bounds of reality. Given the chickens and the pheasants...people won't need directions to our place. Just turn off HWY 29 and follow the noise
ONE persistent guinea can drive you INSANE when it goes on and on and on and on and on.......for days...

Yeah, it's cute at first, then...well....We love them anyway.
**snickers** I have no doubt you are right. I can not even imagine, yet, what it will be like. But, they have won my heart over, so it'll be kinda like with my kids....they are kept around despite themselves not because of themselves.

Thankfully, she stopped as soon as I closed the "back door" and went back to my "proper place".

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