First Hatch Due 3/19!! UPDATE: Want some of these Babies?

Several of my green EE chicks are struggling to get out
I think one is dead because it isn't moving at all. Two others I can see moving in but just a small hole with a beak. Do they have a harder time because of the shell thickness? My white and brown eggs have done great.
This has been a fun thread to read
We are on our first run with this. started with 41, 30 ended up in lock down. First one hatched a day early, then last night we watched a handful more hatch. By Midnight last night it got so crowed that we pulled the 3 early birds out very quickly. Then overnight so many came, and by the time I got ready to go to work, I decided it would be better to pull the dry ones out as they were stomping on each other. By tonight again my dh told me we had to pull some out, it was like popcorn popping! So we decided to take the chance and open it quickly again and pulled a bunch but not all of the shells out, along with 10 very dry chicks. We have 17 in the brooder, 1 in the incubator 1 just pipped a short while ago, and one is struggling to get out. This is what made us take the crowd out, the one that just hatched and trying to hatch were getting banged up. So that leaves 10 eggs that we have not seen any movement on, or heard. We will leave them until day 24 and then call it a wrap. I would like more advise on the crowding situation.... and how some are more hyper than others so the newer ones get stepped all over. I wish they would create a bator that would pop them out when they were all dry, or like a little hatch way that if they stood on you could drop the bottom quickly. Now there is an invention! Again thanks for this thread its been a fun story to follow
Sorry for the ones not coming out. I still have one who just cant seem to get out. Its been 4+hours that just her head and beak are exposed. My dh wants to help her. I keep saying no just wait. (I'm sure we didnt help by opening the incubator to get the crowd out. I know people have mixed feelings on helping them...but to just watch is so hard

It sounds like you have had a great success and from what I hear it is rare to have 100%, even 90% hatch rate. So I would say we are doing ok, and will get better with time along with all the other BYC folks.
Thanks!! I've been posting even when people aren't responding..
I figure it will be a nice chronicle for me.

I woke up to 3 more hatched so that's 22

NOW.. here are some pics of the first 9 in the brooder!!






Will have more later as I have 17 in the brooder and 5 in the incubator with at least 2-3 coming today (hopefully!!)

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So cute. We had 1 hatch overnight, with the other one still alive with her her head hanging out. Right or wrong we decided if she survived overnight in the egg we would help her out. If she is going to die either way I dont want to watch the little thing suffer for so long. I know why they say back away from the incubator. next time I should plan a trip away for a few days. My thing is I have read that the position themselves to get out and the pip is always on the top that I have seen...the other chicks rolled her over so her pip was on the bottom, then they kept walking all over and moving her to crappy positions.
How are yours EE's doing? did they make their way out?
Well, one of the EE's didn't make it out. He was starting to smell so I took the egg out. IDK what happened but there was a good sized crack just.. didn't get out.

I have 25 hatched now with 2 more eggs left. One has a small pip but I can't see anything on the other. These are both white eggs. I guess we will see

On a sad note, one of the little chicks has something wrong with it's legs.. It doesn't seem to be able to get up and walk around at all. He just lays on the bottom. Any ideas?? I took a picture of his legs. He's SOO cute too so I am rather disappointed.

Here are more pics. The first is of the odd chicks legs. If you have ANY idea what breed these are, please let me know
See my post on pg 3 (I think) for all of the possible parent combinations






Great pictures!!! Dont you just love those fuzzy butts? You seem to have had a great hatch, even with the losses. I am horrible at playing name the breed, just dont have enough experience.

Sorry about the chick with messed up legs. Do you have an idea of what it might be? Its not a slipped tendon is it?
I'm not sure what's up with the legs. He just lays there in the brooder. They aren't sticking out or anything but he definitely cannot walk or stand up. I tried making a hobble for splayed legs like I found online but his legs don't seem to be "splayed" like theirs are. I hope I can get him situated.

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