First hatch, due on March 30th!

Day 15 and the temperature started to rise yesterday, I think because of the chicks own heat. I've got all the vents open now and hopefully that's all I need to do because the thermometers read 99.3 and 99.7 now
ChickChick, from this novice, your temp sounds just fine. I'm on day 16 today, 2 more days until lockdown, I'm SO excited! Still have 20 out of 27 going strong. 4 were clears. 3 were quitters.
day 15 for my showgirls today. lockdown on sunday. i started out with 12.....3 eggs left the game in the 1st couple egg left about 4 days ago. now all SEEM to be going strong. air sacs are a bit bigger than i expected....but i've heard people say it's cuz they're bantam eggs....but i should also increase the humidity a bit. i just can't wait for them to hatch!!! i'll have to learn to post pics on BYC! i'm sure they'll be so cute! i don't know about u guys....but candling is almost useless to do now....the chicks are taking up so much room! yeah! i'm glad they're growing! but i can't really even see if they're moving anymore!
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