First hatch! (pics)

Suburban chick farmer 09

12 Years
Feb 21, 2009
St. Louis MO
I bought the Eggs from jag, who was kind enough to send 2x the amount I paid for.
The postal service wasn't very kind however.
The box was smashed up pretty good. 2 of the eggs were cracked. The other 22 went into the bator. This was my first hatch and I was so worried I never candled. I just concentrated on keeping the temp and humidity correct. 7 of the 22 hatched on Friday. Today I took the rest out of the bator and cracked them open to see what went wrong.
One of the eggs had almost a fully formed chick that never hatched. 2 had what looked like blobs of black. The other 12 looked had 0 activity. I guess the air sacs were scrambled too much during their horrible trip.

Easter Eggers.


Mutts? Looked like Wyandotte eggs The roosters are BLRW's and 1 Cuckoo Moran.


Mutt? Egg was Maran color. Roosters are BLRW's and 1 Cuckoo Moran.


Pics suck, but they're the best I could do.

Can't wait to hatch more!
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Ooooooh!!! They are so cute! I can't wait to see what hatches out of mine. (March 31st!)
I can't believe how dark that last one is! I am sure that last one, if it came from a maran egg, is a mix between my golden cuckoo hen and one of my 'black' blue laced roos. I love that little guy; I am very partial to my black roos...they are the sweetest and they are incredibly diligent yard workers! LOL. I hope I get one of those.
The ones in the middle look to me like full BLRW's and the ones on top, coming from the blue eggs, are all mixes of my Wheaten americanas and my BLRW's - that little stripe of color on their heads and down their backs is definitely a BLRW trait.
The white one could possibly stay all white, the other two will probably get some laced feathers.

Sorry about the condition of the box. I worry so much when shipping out eggs on how they will be treated and I have learned a valuable lesson in packing as well. It's a good thing I sent more!

Your babies are adorable!!! Thanks for posting pictures.
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